The Oswal Sisters
8.7M People reached on Facebook
428K Link clicks via Facebook Ads
7.1M People reached on Instagram
15K Link clicks via Instagram Ads
+612,000% Engaged Users on Facebook
2,500 Petition Signatures on
- Facebook & Instagram Awareness Campaignn
Services Delivered
Stop The B!
StopTheB is the first youth-led, not-for-profit anti-bullying campaign launched by the Oswal Sisters, Vasundhara and Riddhi Oswal. Since its inception, the campaign has gained global media recognition, with articles featured in publications such as The Hindu, CSR Journal, Business Insider, and Yahoo News.
The primary goal of StopTheB's latest campaign was to raise awareness about bullying in Myanmar (also known as Burma) and to gather petition signatures on To achieve this, we designed a Facebook and Instagram Awareness Campaign targeting potential supporters.
Audience Research and Segmentation: We identified the target audience based on their interests, demographics, and online behavior and segmented them accordingly for optimal campaign performance.
Ad Creation: We developed compelling ads for both Facebook and Instagram, highlighting the severity of bullying in Myanmar and the importance of taking action through signing the petition.
Ad Targeting and Optimization: We launched targeted ad campaigns on both Facebook and Instagram, reaching potential supporters within the specified audience segments. We continuously monitored the campaign's performance and made adjustments as needed to maximize engagement and conversions.
Performance Monitoring and Reporting: We kept the Oswal Sisters informed of the campaign's progress, providing regular updates on key performance indicators and overall performance.
8.7 million people reached on Facebook
428,000 link clicks via Facebook Ads
7.1 million people reached on Instagram
15,000 link clicks via Instagram Ads
+612,000% Engaged Users on Facebook
2,500 petition signatures on
Key Performance Indicators:
People reached
Link clicks
Engaged users
Petition signatures
Our Facebook and Instagram Awareness Campaign for StopTheB was highly successful in raising awareness about bullying in Myanmar and gathering support through petition signatures on In just two weeks, we achieved over 440,000 link clicks and reached more than 15 million people. By understanding the target audience and utilizing targeted ad campaigns on both platforms, we were able to effectively promote the cause and contribute to the ongoing success of StopTheB's anti-bullying campaign.